Perception-Production Studies and Corpus-based Approaches |
Date & Venue: July 29th, 30th, 31st 2014, Waseda University, Building 26 (Basement, B1) (Tokyo, Japan)
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Organizing committee:
Sylvain DETEY (Waseda University)
Mariko KONDO (Waseda University)
Yuji KAWAGUCHI (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
Guest speakers:
- Professor Chantal LYCHE (University of Oslo, Norway)
- Dr. Chiu-yu TSENG, Director (Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
- Assistant Professor Julien EYCHENNE (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, South Korea)
Theme: Over the past decade, the use of corpora in the study of L2 phonetics-phonology has been slowly gaining ground, encompassing sociolinguistic and psycholinguistic perspectives on acquisitional issues. Most of the research work has been carried out on English, but other projects have started to study different languages, such as French. Beyond the use of corpora, the survey of both perception and production in the analysis of L2 phonology processing has been quite challenging and very few studies have managed to carry out both tasks simultaneously. This workshop aims at gathering researchers interested in L2 corpus phonology, who lend particular consideration to the perception-production loop, either in terms of longitudinal development or in terms of synchronic setting. The workshop will be essentially based on the research carried out in the IPFC project (InterPhonologie du Français Contemporain - French) and AESOP project (ASian English Speech cOrpus Project - English), but other projects and researchers are most welcome.
Programme (06/16/2014):
Tuesday 29th
9h00-9h30: Registration
9h30-9h50: Sylvain DETEY & Mariko KONDO Looking at French and English pronunciation by Japanese learners using oral corpora: production and perception.
9h50-10h50: Chantal LYCHE (Keynote speaker), The acquisition of middle vowel contrasts in French: the benefits of a corpus study.
10h50-11h15: Coffee break
11h15-11h45: Takeki KAMIYAMA & Jacqueline VAISSIERE, Close vowels in L1 and L2 English and French, and focality.
11h45-12h15: Jeffrey J. HOLLIDAY, Using non-word repetition to investigate the link between perception and production in naïve listeners and novice learners of Korean.
12h15-13h45: Lunch break
13h45-14h15: Elena RATNIKOVA, Pronunciation difficulties met by Russian-speaking students learning French.
14h15-14h45: Tomohiko OOIGAWA, Discrimination and identification of Italian liquids by Japanese listeners.
14h45-15h15: Keiko HANZAWA & Kazuya SAITO, The acquisition of voice onset time by Japanese learners of English: A one academic year study.
Evening : Dinner
Wednesday 30th
9h00-9h15: Registration
9h15-10h15: Chiu-yu TSENG (Keynote speaker), Prosodic categories and differentiation – How to better understand more realistic data.
10h15-10h45: Coffee break
10h45-11h15:Dongxia QIAN, Yuan JIA, Aijun LI & Liang XU, An experimental comparative study on prosodic features between Ningbo EFL learners and American native speakers — in the case of production of Yes-No questions.
11h15-11h45: Takaaki SHOCHI, Marine GUERRY, Dominique FOURER, Jean-Luc ROUAS & Albert RILLIARD, How French convey their affects during face-to-face communication?
11h45-12h15: Kaori SUGIYAMA & Kentaro KOGA, Fluency in oral tasks by Japanese beginner learners of French: from the perspective of temporal measuring.
12h15-12h45: Yumi YOSHIZAWA, Comparing the number of uses of chunk "NDESU NE" in a Japanese learner corpus with a native speaker corpus.
12h45-14h00: Lunch break
14h00-15h00: Poster session & Coffee
- Idomuco DAWA, Manchu speech recognition focus on similar and other family languages information.
- Miki IKOMA, Production and perception of modal particles in L1 and L2 German speech.
- Takayuki KONISHI & Mariko KONDO, Prosodic analysis of Japanese accented English.
- Kakeru MATSUMURA, Japanese listeners’ perception of English vowel pairs: /i/-/ɪ/ and /æ/-/ʌ/.
- Yumi OZAKI, Mariko KONDO, Shigeaki AMANO, Kimiko YAMAKAWA & Sylvain DETEY, A supra-segmental analysis of the production of Japanese geminate consonants by French native speakers.
- Greg SHORT, An overview of the Japanese speaking rate database Jasper.
Thursday 31st
9h00-9h15: Registration
9h15-10h15: Julien EYCHENNE (Keynote speaker), Phonetic and phonological analysis of L2 corpora: tools and methods.
10h15-10h45: Coffee break
10h45-11h15: Shigeko SHINOHARA, Loanword grammar and perception patterns.
11h15-11h45: Qandeel HUSSAIN, Adaptation of English alveolars as reʈroflexes in Indo-Aryan languages.
11h45-12h00: Closing remarks
Languages: English or French with handouts and Power Point slides in English.
Acknowledgments: The workshop is part of a Kaken project funded by the JSPS (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) n°23320121 (2011-2014), see: It is also supported by the Language and Speech Science research laboratory (LASS, Waseda University) and by the School of International Liberal Studies (SILS, Waseda University).