id 音声 発音表記 英訳取得件数:41件
1 ðart fertilizer
2 ðas ten
3 ðas buy twelve
4 ðas hazor ten thousand
5 ðas lak one million
6 ðas truy thirteen
7 ðas yiw eleven
8 ðast hand
9 ðast ruṣ̌ʉvn to help (lit.pass hand)
10 ðast ɣ̌irʉvn to turn hands (for superiors and seniors)
11 ðastin skilful
12 ðastʉng handmade
13 ðasyi toqiš 11 toqi{v{s}}, 21 Sep - 20 Oct
14 ðay 1)man (generally married) 2) husband (not freq)
15 ðayiɣ̌ manliness, braveness
16 ðepk x̌ak to hit hard, to break
17 ðerd 1) mixed (colour) 2) brindled?, with mix-coloured (livestock) 3) decoration on a pillar
18 ðerd kṭak to carve, decorate, embroider
19 ðerd x̌ak to carve
20 ðetk brick
21 ðetki generous, philanthropist 
22 ðeṣ̌ late
24 ðeɣ̌d daughter
26 ðeɣ̌dej, ðeɣ̌deej stepdaughter
27 ðir far
28 ðir(e) nazar near sight, myopia
29 ðit 1) smoke 2)soot (black part) on the roof, pillar etc.
30 ðiz, ɣ̌ar(e) ðiz (stone) wall
31 ðiɣ̌ buttermilk, dugh
32 ðop alga, moss
33 ðoʦk mussuck (carrying bag made by goat or sheep skin)
34 ður, ðuur small valley
35 ðurs goat or yak hair
36 ðus beetle, carpenter bee
37 ðutr sickle
38 ðʉrm ringworm, scab
39 ðʉs dough
40 ðʉx̌n / dʉx̌- 1) to grind 2) to crush (=palm {v{x}}ak)
41 ðʉy store of unthreshed wheat