id 音声 発音表記 英訳取得件数:100件
1 wa bad smell, stink
2 wa(h) whoopee
3 wada promise
4 wang extraordinarily tall (for human)
5 wanj stomach (animal and human)
6 waqn /waq- to scold
7 war ram (uncastrated)
8 wark scar
9 wars x̌ak to repair, to mend
10 waruk small male sheep (castrated)
11 was the longest beam in a local house
12 waxt time
13 wazgiz restless
14 wazn weight
15 waṣ̌k tired
16 waɣn / waɣ- to call of goat or sheep
17 welk kidneys
18 werd stomach
19 werd šinger belly
20 werxetk spread, broad
21 werxʉvn to spread, scatter
22 wesk 1) dry 2) thirsty
23 wesk woʦn to get dry
25 wgezn / wegz- to make separate (wools or sth by hands)
26 wing / win- to see
27 wingas tuy, ungas tuy 'spallow's wedding' festival, held on June 8-10
28 wingas xun nest
29 wingas, ungas bird (small sized), sparrow
30 wirding, wrding clear (weather)
32 wirdisn, wrdisn, wdisn to clear up (used only for sky)
33 wirken alone
34 wist twenty
35 wist hazor twenty thousand
36 wist-e buy twenty two
37 wist-e truy twenty three
38 wist-e yiw twenty one
39 wist-e ðas thirty
40 wiðix̌n / wiðix̌- to whither (tree)
41 wič bookworm
42 wišwiš x̌ak to bless someone by drawing his/her ear
43 wloɣ animal (esp. big cattle)
44 wlʉng / wlʉn- to shake tree
45 wlʉng, wʉlʉng / wʉlʉn- to shake tree to gather fruits (mostly used for apricot tree)
46 wnʉk, wunʉk willow
47 wofomamʉr a type of apricot
48 worzg, wurzg right, right-hand
49 woxar ladder
50 woyeee! huh, eh, what? (in surprise)
51 woz 1)end 2)again
52 woð, wooð water channel
53 woɣn / woɣ- to moo (cow, bull)
54 woʦn to become, get
55 wrawq wave (river)
56 wreč̣n / wereč̣- to remain
57 wrgeṣ̌t wooden basket to carry apricots etc.
58 wserd this year
59 wsey thread
60 wtiš, witiš cloud
61 wudrʉk / wudʉr- 1) to catch 2) to hold
62 wul roll
63 wul x̌ak to roll
64 wum short form of wuzum
65 wundr field
66 wurk lamb (m/f birth-1yr)
67 wustoð, wustooð teacher, master
68 wux̌ / woxon (not freq) Wakhan (of Afghan side)
69 wuz personal pronoun 1 sg nominative, I
71 wuðg today
72 wuč up
73 wuč riʦn, lup riʦn the centre ritsn
74 wuč woʦn to die
75 wuč x̌ak to take up
76 wuč̣ din to shoot
77 wušk calf (m/f birth - 1yr)
78 wuṣ̌ 1)grass 2) wheat
79 wuṣ̌ dun store of grass (with roof)
80 wuṣ̌ prič grasshopper
81 wuṣ̌kuč timid, coward
82 wuṣ̌uk / weṣ̌- to fear, get afraid
83 wuṣ̌yog grassland
84 wx̌en 1) blood 2) blood vessel
86 wzak / waz- 1) to get tired 2) to get down 3) to lose, get defeated
87 wzan din to swim
88 wzayn / wez- to come
89 wzayn(e) hafta next week
90 wzayn(e) sol next year
91 wzayn(e) tobiston next summer
94 wṣ̌eng, wuṣ̌eng bull (uncastrated)
95 wṣ̌ik, wuṣ̌ik key, bolt, stick
96 wṣ̌uk, wuṣ̌uk to be afraid, fear
97 wṣ̌uyn, wuṣ̌uyn / wuṣ̌uy- to untie, to open
98 wžak small axe, hand axe
99 wžerk alfalfa
100 wʉrt upper millstone