id 音声 発音表記 英訳取得件数:19件
1 (h)isob, yisob, isob 1)count 2)number
2 iblis 1) satan 2)disobedient person
3 iloj x̌ak to treat, heal, cure
4 imondor honest
6 injuy store place under the water channel (land)?
8 inkor, inkoor negation
9 inom prize
10 intizom management
11 intizor waiting
12 iqror, iqroor agree
13 isqa dried apricot (of good quality)
14 istimol x̌ak to use
15 istin / istin- to sigh
16 istin, stin 1) pillar 2) ridge
17 išora indication
18 išq love
19 ištio, ištiyo physical condition, physical feeling