id 音声 発音表記 英訳取得件数:77件
1 ša baš, šaa baaš well done!
2 šabslom good evening, good night
3 šak bad, dirty
4 šakl look, shape, appearance
5 šalha x̌ak to shine
6 šapos quilt, duvet
7 šaran store of grass without roof
8 šarm wzayn to be ashamed
9 šask (young) willow tree, or its twig (stick)
10 šax 1) flat basket made by willow (for drying apricots etc. 2) willow part of 1)
11 šayt sugar
13 šač dog
14 šaɣ, šaaɣ not smooth, rough
15 šek x̌ak to be doubtful
16 šemn / šem- to hit so / wool
17 šenḍg gums
18 šepk 1) very thin stick 2) {v{s}}ax ヤbasketユの縦枝部分 3)sticks of {v{s}}ask for w{ extbaru}rge{ extsubdot{v{s}}}t
19 šer, šeer lion
20 šet soil, dust, earth
21 šet(e) tel kersin
22 šetiɣ̌ 1) floor 2) powdery sand
23 šex̌č liquid
24 šik portion for the caretaker of watermill (xDorg bung)
25 šikast rðo to defeat (vt)
26 šikast yitn to lose, get defeated
28 šimšalik, šingšalik Shimshal people
29 šinger small intestine
30 šingoɣ worm, lugworm
31 šini small field to grow vegetable (in the premise)
32 šist dʉrzn to target
33 šið (wingas) rose finch ベニマシコ
34 šiš lice (for human)
35 šiša 1)glass 2)teacup 3)mirror
36 škinda, šəkinda a type of apricot
37 šlavz thick, pulpy, sticky
38 šlik smooth, soft
39 šliṭ a name of grass
40 šluṭ 1)warm 2)soft 3)smooth
41 šmol, šmool breeze(in summer)
42 šobeg a type of apricot
43 šoboṣ̌ thank you
44 šodi monkey
45 šogerd student
46 šogʉn ptʉk the starter for every festival
47 šogʉn x̌ak to begin, to commence (specially to commence a festival or ceremony)
48 šogʉne luq bridal garment, finery
49 šohar husband
50 šopos quilt (used as bedding)
51 šot dinner, supper
52 šov 1)still 2) slow 3)silent 4)not talkative
53 šov halak to be silent, to be quiet
54 šoyin kite
55 špak / šap- to suck
56 špoð a wild plant in summer pasture
57 špʉk 1)left over of fruit 2)weak
58 špʉn shepherd
59 špʉθk bare footed
60 šrif, šerif gentle
61 šrob wine
62 šru x̌ak to begin (in general)
63 štap not talkative, polite, shy, gentle
64 štaq 1) short 2) plain, flat 3) horizontal
65 štor / šay- to kill
66 štrefn / štref- to sneeze
67 šukriya thank you!
68 šum condolence
69 šundr hot, warm
70 šundrpoč̣ 21 July - 20 Aug
71 šur x̌ak to make noise
72 šven 1) long (and thick) rope 2) local measurement with rope
73 šxek, xšek fine, powdery flour
74 šyuk wingas sparrow (very small bird)
75 šəlda advice, order
76 šənḍak / ṣ̌anḍ- to make {v{c}}mos
77 šʉlbʉt special local dish from flour, meat and salt