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English Top » Post-doctoral » Kang, Minkyeong

Corpus linguistics Kang, Minkyeong

Field of research: German studies
Research theme: Resultative expressions in the German Language
Research achievements:
"Semantic Investigation of the Lexikalization of Change-of-State Verbs: Focusing on Causative-inchoative Alternation." in Mikame H. ;Narita, T. (ed.). Thinking about German - A Collection of Short Essays about the Words. Tokyo: Sanshusha, 2008, pp. 83-91.
"Change-of-State Verbs in the German Language: A Study concerning the Causative-inchoative Alternation." Ph.D. Dissertation, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, .2007.
“Change-of-State Verbs and Causative-inchoative Alternation.” in Tsuruga, Y. et al (ed.), Lexicon and Grammar in Corpus Linguistics. Tokyo: Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, 2005, pp. 399-442,.
"Einige Probleme der kausativ-inchoativen Alternationen bei den Zustandsveranderungsverben der deutschen Sprache," Der Keim, 26, Tokyo: Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. 2002, pp.41-54.