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English Top » Post-doctoral » Abe, Yuko

Field Linguistics Abe, Yuko

Field of research: Bantu Languages and Morphosyntax
Research theme: Descriptive Studies of Bantu Languages in East Africa (F, J Group and Swahili)
Research achievements:
A Bende Vocabulary, Tokyo: ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. 2006, pp. i-xvi, 1-146.
"Polish".in Chino, E.; Ishii, Y. (ed), Dictionary of Expressions Used around the World when Meeting People. Tokyo: Sanseido. 2004.
"Polish".in Chino, E.; Ishii, Y. (ed), Dictionary of 100 Languages of the World - European Edition. Tokyo: Sanseido. 1999.
“A Descriptive Study of Bende Phonology and Morphology (F.12, Tanzania).” Doctoral Dissertation, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, 2006.
“Bende”. in Nakayama, T.; Ebata, F. (ed.). Drawing Grammar – Grammar Sketch of the Languages Based on Fieldwork 1. Tokyo: ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. 2006, pp.1-23.