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English Top » Corpus linguistics » Data Sorting for Study on the Valency of German Motion Verbs and Adjectives

1. Project Name: Data Sorting for Study on the Valency of German Motion Verbs and Adjectives

2. Outline of the Project (in 2 to 3 lines):
For the purpose of organizing basic data from doctoral theses of the graduate student research collaborators, the project seeks to gather, sort, and analyze models for studying the valency of motion verbs and adjectives by using the German corpus.

3. Core Member in Charge: Narita, Takashi

4. Collaborating Researchers (Name and affiliation to be specified. If not in the second half of the doctoral course, the reason needs to be specified): Fujinawa, Yasuhiro (Institute of Global Studies)
Nobukuni, Moe (Second half of doctoral course)
Takahashi, Miho (Second half of doctoral course)

5. Progress: Under the guidance of Yasuhiro Fujinawa and Takashi Narita, Moe Nobukuni, who focused on German adjectives, and Miho Takahashi, who focused on German motion verbs, used a variety of dictionaries and large-scale corpora to gather and organize data regarding the theme of the doctoral thesis, and then summarized the result in multiple excel files from the analytical standpoint of each. Also, during the process of data sorting, they gave verbal presentations in German at a linguistic seminar hosted by Japanische Gesellschaft für Germanistik in August, 2010, by using a part of the data already sorted. Then, based on these verbal presentations, each presented a research note in the GCOE Research Report. Nobukuni advanced this further, and posted the paper written in German in the journal of the above linguistic seminar (to be published by Iudicium, Munich). This paper was chosen to be printed after peer review.

6. Accomplishments: (Both finished and unfinished):
(1)Two Verbal Presentations 
Nobukuni, Moe: „Zum syntaktischen Verhalten deutscher Adjektive, die von Ereignissen prädizieren“
Takahasi, Miho: „Lexikalische Bedeutung und Satzkonstruktion - an Beispielen einiger Fortbewegungsverben“
※ Both presentations were given on August 28 at the 38th Linguisten-Seminar hosted by Japanische Gesellschaft für Germanistik (from August 27 through August 30, 2010, International Productivity Center in Shonan Village, Hayama-cho, Miura-gun, Kanagawa Prefecture)
(2)Two Research Notes
Nobukuni, Moe “About the syntactic behavior of adjectives which describe the nature of events”
Miho Takahashi “Lexical meanings and syntaxes of German verbs – Using motion verbs such as fahren, fliegen as examples –”
※ Printed in “Working Papers in Corpus-based Linguistics and Language Education, Report 6”
(3)One thesis (Peer-reviewed and chosen to be published)
Nobukuni, Moe: Zum syntaktischen Verhalten deutscher Adjektive, die von Ereignissen prädizieren
(4)Data Acquisition and Sorting (work in progress)