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English Top » Corpus linguistics » Collection of Spontaneous Conversational Data in Russian

1.Project Name:Collection of Spontaneous Conversational Data in Russian 

2.Outline of the Project:
Scientific studies of Russian which have been changing rapidly following the radical and rapid changes of the society, is limited to analysis of language that appear in the mass media. There has been no data on spontaneous conversation, which can be source for linguistic studies. As descriptions of normative grammars in conventional studies are based on the experiences and memories of individual researchers, they often deviate from the actual conversations. To solve this problem, in this project, for the purpose of analyzing linguistic reality scientifically, we collect data of spontaneous conversation and analyzing them from different perspectives and eventually planning to build a corpus.

3.Core Member in Charge: Nakazawa, Hidehiko 

4.Collaborating Researchers: Onda, Yoshinori;Ogawa, Akimici; Horiguchi, Daiki; Sugai, Kenta

All the data of spontaneous conversation collected by our group have been grammatically tagged: that is, a label is attached to each of them, indicating its grammatical class, or part of speech.

Spontaneous conversations in Russian for more than 30 hours were recorded in Moscow in August and in December 2008 and in Ryazan’ in December 2010. They are transcribed.